Asynchronous physical humour
In his 2010 Dr Dobbs article[1] Herb Sutter espouses"Prefer Using Active Objects Instead of Naked Threads"The laudability of this is derived from Sutter's 2009 and 2007 observations[2],[3] that
"Use Threads Correctly = Isolation + Asynchronous Messages"(N.B. It is fascinating to read Sutter's 2009[2] & 2007[3] similarities to Sir Tony Hoare[6] 1978 seminal work on Communicating Sequential Processes(CSP)[7] and J. Paul Morrison[8] 1970s original ideas on Flow-Based Programming(FBP)[9] but more of this later...)
TL;DR Think you can walk-the-walk? You don't know Jack about thread programming if you haven't read [3], [2] & [1]