Contra-auguste Active Object
TL;DR It's just an slightly better (imho) implementation of Sutter's Dr. Dobbs 2010 articles [1][2]
As per Lavender & Schmidt's article[3] Sutter's implementation is a further refinement of the integrated scheduler variant of their original pattern removing, as it does, altogether the proxy and scheduler relying on direct message passing between client and scheduler.
Indeed Sutter's scheduler (his Active class) contains the message queue as a private composition -which is too much integration. Too much because it forces the client to be aware of the scheduler which as an unnecessary, and avoidable, level of dependancy that binds the scheduler to the client.
The client need only be aware of the tail of the activation queue and, hence, the has-a-relationship with the message queue can be broken out of the scheduler for a more naturally component orientated approach that facilitates scheduler fungibility. Further, the scheduler need only be aware of the head of the activation queue.