Reading List

The Selfish Gene
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
Bad Science
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe

ifknot's favorite books »

Sunday, 8 June 2014

The Future of Programming - Bret Victor / July 30, 2013 DBX Conference

Ged Byrne clued us into this one over at the Google Flow-Based Programming group:

Here is an entertaining talk:
The presenter, Bret Victor, has a simple conceipt: it's 1973.  He looks at all the amazing ideas that were coming together and shows the obvious direction of programming.
He highlights how absurd, no tragic, it is that programming is where it is today.  
I love this line: "we can rely on the computers getting faster.  What we can't rely on is people changing the way they think."


It's all good but for me the best bit starts at 22:05

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Mathematical Semantics for FBP - Describing Fundamental FBP Program Types

A glittering treasure of mathematical semantics for FBP or fool's gold?

TL;DR Examples of using mathematical semantics for FBP by combining (named channel) Theory of CSP and Graph Theory to describe 3 fundamental FBP program graph types which can form the basis for both reasoning about experimenting with libfbp programs.

As I have argued so far here, here, here, here, here and here, my overarching proposition in searching for a useful mathematical description for Flow Based Programming is that an FBP network of black box processing components that communicate information packets via one-way connections can be modelled as a directed graph of communicating sequential processes.

But how might such a model be usefully applied to reasoning about FBP and what might a fundamental FBP program be?

In searching for fundamental classes of FBP programs is it worth trying to define programmatic identities that can be compared both within and across implementations to reason about a class of FBP programs?