Reading List

The Selfish Gene
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
Bad Science
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe

ifknot's favorite books »

Sunday, 24 August 2014

A simplified libfbp component and a general purpose work-stealing, back-off threadpool to get things going.

Sucked into a general purpose threadpool!

TL;DR To paraphrase Thoreau "Decouple, decouple, decouple!" the clumsy component that needed to take a dequeuer is simplified to a virtual interface PPM API facilitating generalisation for PXMs. There's also a threadpool PXM so that FBP can run out of the box.

As previously stated the primary strategic goal here is that the libfbp implementation of Flow-Based Programming (FBP) as a Parallel Programming Model (PPM), though the FBP paradigm is a lot more more than simply a PPM, should be agnostic to its underlying Program eXecution Model (PXM) but must, never-the-less, provide an Application Programming Interface (API) that remains versatile in its implementation. 

In an effort to achieve this goal the original component here was overly complex and took on too much of the scheduling burden the simplified component presents a single virtual operator()() member function that returns a component*. The API contract is simple, the returned component* points to the next component to be executed and a returned value of null_ptr removes the component from the execution pipeline.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Template Metaprogramming is cool! Using C++11 template overloading to make sense of queue behaviour.

Metaprogramming putting meat on the bones.

TL;DR Using an enumerated type as a behaviour selector at compile time by using template overloading[1] to select either total or partial queue access[2] behaviour whilst maintaining the same queue ADT interface 

The libfbp design goal is for a uniform queue interface as per the prescribed Abstract Data Type definition here using only enqueue and dequeue access class functions instead of having separate class function method calls for either partial or total access behaviour i.e. to get rid of try_enqueue and try_dequeue.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Back from 2 weeks all inclusive Gran Canaria

Went to Gran Canaria this is the infinity pool and one of the all inclusive bars... "What time is it?" "It's Caipirinha time!"

Stuff about C++11 that I like... #2 Delegating Constructors

Delegating constructors is cool.

TL;DR With C++11 you can kiss goodbye to some 'init' method function shared between constructors or copying and pasting between your constructors.